Contact Us
General Questions
What Email Address Can I use to Reach you?
Where is your physical location?
We ship our orders from our Klamath Warehouse:
Klamath Warehouse
3735 Washburn Way, Klamath Falls Oregon 97603, United States
Unfortunately we are not accepting walk in sales at this time.
Living Soil and Organic Food:
What is Living Soil?
Living Soil is alive with a vast intelligent ecosystem of microscopic living organisms, bacteria and fungi as well as worms and other creatures we can see. It’s this life in the soil that moves up to 95% of the complex nutrition we need to be healthy into the plants through their roots.
More info:
Plants photosynthesize sunlight, water and CO2 into complex sugars. But they only use about 15% of this and push the remaining 85% of these sugars down through their roots into the soil to feed the microbiome. Bacteria and fungi in the soil eat those sugars and in turn create all the complex nutrients that move back up through plant roots to create the complex nutrient matrix inside plants that we and other animals eat.
For Example: Plants can’t create calcium out of sunlight! So where does it come from in your Kale? From the life in the soil. And not just calcium… but all the complex nutrients we need in a balance that allow us to absorb and use that calcium to build strong bones and maintain an ideal ph in our blood.
Why are we only selling organic food?
Because we aren’t in the poison business, we’re in the food business. We believe real food should nourish us not poison us. Pesticides, herbicides and fungicides are poison, and over time the buildup of these poisons in the body result in many forms of chronic and debilitating disease.
More to think about:
The poisons sprayed in non-organic farming kill the life in the soil. The plants grown in lifeless dirt are nutrient deficient. People who eat those plants absorb the poison residues instead of nutrients they need to be healthy. The resulting lifeless dead dirt eventually dries up and erodes away leaving a desert that won’t grow anything. The ability of the human body to continue to function at all with the double whammy of poison and lack of absorbable nutrition is astounding to us… but it does explain why the US – the country that sprays the most poison on its crops, has the very worst overall health of any country in the world.
Why are we only selling certified organic food under the JustOne Organics® brand?
The USDA organic certification has a lot of problems we need to fix, and it doesn’t guarantee good soil building practices, but it does mean the very worst poisons can’t be used on that farm. For us this is the most basic first step. Don't poison the soil, our food and our bodies.
What about non-certified produce grown with “organic practices”?
Everyone is doing their best! Getting and maintaining the organic certification is a hassle and costs a lot of money. Many good farmers can’t or don’t want to deal with it and we understand. Because we can’t yet go to all these farms, meet the farmers and decide if we believe them, we need the certification for now so we all can know this food is safe to eat.
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When you go to your farmers market and see farmers who have that sign: “grown with organic practices” you can go up to them and ask if they grow without poisons or chemical fertilizers and see how they respond.
You can decide if you believe them : ) Since right now we can’t do that for all our food we’ll only be buying and drying certified organic.
As we build more Gentle Drying Centers (GDCs) closer to the farmers we’ll find ways to work with good farmers growing healthy food in living soil who may not be certified. We’ll let you know when we get there!
For now to keep our promises to you we can only sell certified organic through our brand.
How will you work with living soil farmers who aren’t certified?
As we set up Gentle Drying Centers (GDCs) locally we can engage the community to ensure uncertified farmers are growing safe healthy food. We have a great plan for this, stay tuned!
Is certified organic still as valuable as it used to be?
No. But it is monitored and enforced around the foundation of not applying the worst poisons to soil and crops. So it’s helpful at that level.
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Organic used to be synonymous with growing super flavorful, nutritious food in Living Soil. That standard has been eroding for some time but this basic distinction remains.
We believe if we want personal, community, economic and ecosystem health, vitality and wellbeing to increase, one way to get there is to stop applying anti life (poison) compounds to our bodies and the rest of the system.
The Organic certification is still set up to do that. Is it always perfectly enforced?
Probably not; but it is supposed to be by regulation and so there’s a way to bring violators to account for falsely claiming their food is poison free.
Most farmers are honest and so if they take the trouble to pay for and maintain their certification through yearly inspections, they’re probably the real deal.
What’s the difference between Organic and Regenerative farming?
Organic these days only means no poison. It used to mean a lot more.
Regenerative means that farmer is not only growing poison free crops but is actively working to build Living Soil.
Both are supposed to be poison free but the difference between barely organic and truly regenerative in the flavor, color and nutrient potency of food is enormous and can be tasted, seen and felt in our bodies immediately.
Fresh to dry food equivalencies, price, packaging, etc.
All these packages are 100g. How many ounces and how much food is that?
100g = 3.53oz
Our food is 2 to 3 times dryer than freeze dried and other dried foods and so the amount of actual food in each 100g package is enormous.
Why do you specify 7 servings per package?
This is food, so we picked a serving size that seems enough to feed an average person a healthy, enjoyable amount of each food. How many fresh blueberries do you eat at a time? How big a potato is a serving? You see? Food isn’t like that, so have fun and decide for yourself how much of these foods you want to enjoy at once!
How much fresh food equivalent is contained in each of your packages?
Every food is different, just like fresh food! The weight, sweetness, appearance of each apple is different, so our foods have different fresh to dry ratios. We’ve done specific equivalencies, how many mangoes in one of our bags etc. but that changes every time we run the same food.
Learn More about This:
For example, when we counted how many raspberries are in an 8oz basket of fresh fruit and applied that to the ratio from one of our drying runs with that food, that one run came out with an equivalency of 1 bag of our raspberry crystals containing 258 raspberries! Is that the same every time? No… just like how the fresh food we eat is different every time.
The first strawberries we dried came out about 127 strawberries per bag of our crystals. Strawberries come in all sizes right? So we worked with medium size berries. Also that run our moisture content was around 2.36% and recent runs we’ve dried came out much dryer, just above 1%. Does that mean there were twice as many strawberries in a pound of the recent run? Not so, because moisture is significant, but just one part of the weight!
Hopefully you’re getting the picture about real food: that it’s not uniform just like nature isn’t uniform either. The vegetables generally have higher ratios than the fruits, so the equivalency is higher… so for instance if Strawberry by weight is sometimes 7 ½ :1 by weight… our leafy and flower vegetables – broccoli, cauliflower, spinach and kale may be as much as 12:1 to 14:1 or more by weight.
Weight is just one part of the value picture! Other super important values include shelf stability, convenience, usability in a number of ways not so easy for the fresh version of the food, portability:
- Being able to take our whole organic foods with you backpacking, on an airplane, a long road trip, to the park or the beach with your children.
- The ease of having all these foods available anytime, food security for your family.
- The visual delight of garnishing desserts, drinks, soups, salads and cooked dishes with some of these crystals that simply look so gorgeous!
- Being able to blend some of these super high nutrient dense foods with other foods to get balanced nutrition into your own diet and for your children, the intensity of the true flavor of this food.
Why do you price all these foods the same?
We like simple and we think most people these days also appreciate this, and so putting the same amount of food in each package and charging the same for all of these fruits and vegetables makes sense we hope is appreciated by you.
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When you buy a small apple at the farmers market: the ratio between the part of the apple you eat and the core is closer than when you buy a huge apple with more fruit on it. The farmer charges the same price per pound for all the apples!
So in the natural world we work in ( not changing anything about our food and bringing all its dried goodness to you ) there are variations, and rather than reprice all our foods every time we run them to make sure our margins are the same every time we just enjoy bringing good food to you and keeping things simple.
We obviously earn more or less this way with different foods, but our primary focus is on overall value for you. We feel our total food program has more value even if we don’t make as much on some foods we could charge more for. We’re hopeful this simplicity helps to build a strong community of friends enjoying our food while building a regenerative world together.
Will every package of JustOne Organics® food crystals look the same as every other batch of that same food?
Nope! This is an easy question because the same answer applies to every time you buy or pick fresh produce at the store, farmers market or farm.
For example, one time we dried Kale and the leaves were much fuller and the stems were much smaller in that crop. Think about the difference in dark green leaves to light green stems in some varieties of kale. So those kale crystals were darker green overall.
The next time we dried another crop from a different farm, the stems were bigger, so the overall color was lighter. Same amazing taste and nutrition! Just slightly lighter color is all. Just like we see all the time in the fresh food we buy.
Why do you use 2 bags and why these types of bags?
Our current packaging does the job and is not the ideal for us. We’re working toward a single layer with recyclable or compostable material.
For now we have a metal outer bag to keep the food fresh and we need an inner non-metal bag to be able to run every bag we package by hand through a metal detector to make sure it’s safe to sell.
When we scale our production, we’ll automate with a machine able to metal detect as the food goes into the single layer package. Looking forward to that!
Is your food ok for my Low Glycemic dietary restriction?
All foods currently on our site except for Aronia Berries are single ingredient whole uncooked foods.
The full fiber content of each food is fully present.
These foods are literally whole organic fruits and vegetables ground up with the water taken out.
That’s it.
So if you can eat fresh Granny Smith Apples you should be able to eat Gentle Dried™ Granny Smith Apple Crystals, and the same for our other foods.
Check with your health care provider of course but this should orient you to find the answers you need.
Do you think your food is ok for my Keto diet?:
Most keto diets don’t include fruits but do include vegetables so enjoy those!
Do you think your food would be ok for my Paleo Diet?
Most paleo diets include fruits and vegetables, so if our Gentle Dried™ foods are not too processed for you… enjoy!
Why do the Aronia Berry crystals have an added ingredient?
When we dried our current batch of Aronia we used a small amount of organic pre-biotic fiber to make it possible to dry.
We now know how to dry it as a single ingredient food like all the rest so next time we dry Aronia it’ll also be just one ingredient like the rest of our foods.
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Why didn’t we wait with Aronia till we knew how to dry it without the other ingredient? Aronia or Choke Berry is culturally important to many indigenous peoples in North America. It’s also an important healing food and even a social regeneration project in the bioregion where we’re producing now; so we wanted to include it early and learn from there.
What we’ve learned with this berry we’re applying to many more exotic superfood berry projects. Over the coming year look for new super potent berry products and other healing superfoods on our site : )
Will you offer other foods with more than one ingredient over time?
Yes!!!! Wow is this a great question! We’re launching our first multi ingredient superfood crystal now… Miso!!!
Our miso crystals are incredible! Made from Chickpeas, no soy and it makes the smoothest most delicious miso soup we’ve ever tasted!
Also with other ingredients you can find in our recipe section it adds great flavor and nutrition to sauces, salad dressings, even vegan macaroni and cheeze!
Then you go the next step and imagine adding some of our vegetables to your Mac & Cheeze: green, orange, Pink? All whole food yummy fun goodness…
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We’re also working with wonderful product development friends and partners to come up with many more multiple ingredient foods over time.
We’ll be able to release some of these later this year : ))))) Look for announcements as they are ready to share with you!
How do I care for my food crystals?
The challenges to food preservation are Moisture, Oxygen and Sunlight.
Our outer sealed package will keep out all 3 for at least 6 years. However once you open them up, the care and shelf life of your food becomes your responsibility. Below are guidelines that will help..
Receiving and storing your food crystals:
- Store unopened and opened bags of your food in a cool, dry place: ideally in a cupboard, cabinet, boxes in your pantry, food closet or other food storage area.
- Don’t put heavy weights on top of your bags or allow them to get punctured.
- Don’t put them in the freezer or refrigerator or anyplace they can get too hot.
Ideal storage temperature is between 55°F and 75°F. A little more or less is fine but that’s the ideal. Temperature extremes will drive moisture through the package and compromise your food.
How to take your food out of its bag:
Any way you want of course!
However, if you always shake your crystals out of the bag some foods may start to build up on the zipper and it may get difficult to reseal the ziplocs on those bags. This is worse for some of the fruits because they absorb moisture from the air faster.
So taking care that your food doesn’t build up on the zipper will help keep it sealed tight between uses and last a lot longer.
Close your bags up right away after taking out what you need! Leaving these bags standing open even for 5 minutes won’t ruin your food! Taking out what you need and sealing it back up in both packages right away will extend the shelf life a lot over time.
Press most of the air out of each bag as you reseal it after use. This is easy… close the ziploc most of the way, gently press most of the air out the part that’s not zipped up yet, then zip it the rest of the way.
Do this with both the plastic and metal bags! Make sure the ziploc is actually zipped up all the way both times.
But I want to SEE my beautiful crystals! Can’t I store them in glass?
So far we’ve not found a glass jar that has a proper seal to effectively keep out the moisture as well as the metal package does. If you find one please let us know! : )
So we have a solution for you anyway. Putting a small amount of your food in these very small hex glass jars with magnetic lids is a way to see your food, use it up more quickly before it loses some of the quality and replace it with more from your bags when the jars are empty.
This way you get to enjoy the visual beauty of your food and keep most of it super fresh. Here’s a link to some magnetic lid hex jars, enjoy!
About Gentle Dried™
What is Gentle Dried™ and how is it different than other forms of drying foods?
Gentle Dried™ foods combine a revised form of a 32-year-old drying technology that has been used mostly to dry other things besides a few fruits and vegetables, with our own puree methods that make it possible to apply this technology to a wider variety of whole uncooked foods without additives and processing aids than has been possible before.
How does the nutrition compare with food dried with other methods?
Full nutrient assays were done on this food by the inventors many years ago and some of that information is available online. Assays are very expensive and so we haven’t done them ourselves yet.
For now we’re relying on those former assays that average around 94% nutrient retentive as a general rule of thumb.
Learn more:
It’s a generally accepted fact that the more intense the color, fragrance and flavor of a food, the higher the nutrient content. Makes sense that nature would arrange that doesn’t it?
Organic foods grown in Living Soil will have more flavor and also more nutrition. We know that working gently with our foods preserves more of the nutrition than if we dominated the food to make it easier and more uniform to dry.
The current version of dryers we work with applies heat that is approximately 20°F lower than these earlier versions of the dryers, so we feel confident our nutrient retention is at least as strong as those past test results.
The nutrient density of different crops of the same food can vary by thousands of percentage points when compared to each other! So our goal, as we can afford to will be to run our own assays both before and after drying each batch of food.
This will be the only way to truly know how much if any the nutrient density is affected by our Gentle Dried™ process with each unique batch of our food.
Is Gentle Dried™ better than other drying methods?
Smiling, we think so of course!
We believe ( with a distinct sense of passion ) that we have one of the most innovative and effective means to preserve the fullest possible nutriative value and flavor of the unadaultered natural whole food in service to your health, vitality, wellneess and the joy of your taste buds.
Yet, we also believe that your direct experience of our foods is far more important, so we invite you to try these foods and answer this for yourself!
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We know our way of working with this technology has dried some of the driest food by far in the industry… gently and without dominating the foods. We know the nutritional value is equal or slightly better than other high nutrient retentive drying technologies, but with much stronger, truer flavor, fragrance, color and an inviting texture that makes people want to interact with their food!
Why do we call it Gentle Dried™?
We call it Gentle Dried™ because this drying method is absolutely gentler than any other drying technology we’ve found. We dry our food in a few minutes are very low temperatures.
Not raw, but close to it and for much less time. Email us if you want us to post more on comparative value and impacts with other drying technologies : )
How long has the actual drying technology been around?
Many different versions of these dryers have been made since 1989. Our proprietary puree methods have been around for just over 3 years. The two together are what we call Gentle Dried™ because the combination of our puree methods with this technology have allowed it to be applied to a much wider variety of whole uncooked single ingredient foods than ever before.
What are the limitations on applying Gentle Dried™ methods to more foods?
We see way more opportunities than limitations! We’ve dried many foods that aren’t on our website yet. Lots of great R&D and partnerships with other good food companies – so stay tuned!
You’re also warmly invited to send us your creative ideas, special requests, needs and connections to bring new projects to life so we can share them here with all of you!